Android Obfuscation & Protection

Android In-App Protection with PreEmptive Protection DashO

It is common knowledge that an Android application is very easy to reverse engineer and/or inspect with freely available tools. Unless an application’s binary code is obfuscated, hardened and tamper-proofed.
PreEmptive Protection DashO shown on laptop

Android App is Vulnerable To

It is common knowledge that an Android application is very easy to reverse engineer and/or inspect with freely available tools. Unless an application’s binary code is obfuscated, hardened and tamper-proofed, it is vulnerable to
Android Protection icon

  • IP Theft: Proprietary business logic can be viewed and/or stolen.

  • Piracy: License checking mechanisms can be removed.

  • Credential Bypass: Security and authentication checks may be circumvented.

  • Fraud: Tampering with in-app payments or collection of login credentials.

  • Sensitive Information Theft: Debugging or monitoring apps to collect financial, regulated or personally identifiable information.

  • Code Vulnerability Discovery: Reverse engineering mobile apps can readily expose potential vulnerabilities to attack.

  • Cloning and Tampering: Apps may be modified with malware and placed on the public app marketplace.

  • Executing on a Rooted Device: Apps running on a root device may have their integrity compromised.

DashO provides a layered approach to binary code protection that includes:

DashO layered protection diagram
All of this makes your apps more difficult for people and machines to exploit while easily fitting into your secure software development lifecycle.

It is important to safeguard valuable apps that are vulnerable to attacks when they are deployed in untrusted mobile environments, But don’t take our word for it

  • Android “highly recommends” using an obfuscator on all code and emphasizes this in a number of specific areas such as: “At a minimum, we recommend that you run an obfuscation tool” when developing billing logic.
  • Microsoft also recommends that Android and iOS apps built with MAUI be obfuscated and protected (see) and they also offer a “community edition” obfuscator (our own Dotfuscator CE) as a part of Visual Studio.

Some of the ways DashO Protects Your Apps

How DashO works diagram

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