The Control Flow Editor
The Control Flow editor displays two configuration tabs: the Exclude tab, which is used to graphically set custom exclusion rules, and the Options tab, which is used to configure other options related to control flow obfuscation.
The Control Flow Options Tab
The Control Flow Options tab is used to set the global level of control flow obfuscation.
The Control Flow Exclude Tab
The Control Flow Exclude Tab gives you complete granular control over all parts of your program that you may wish to exclude from the control flow obfuscation process. From here, you can also disable control flow obfuscation altogether.
You may exclude specific items from control flow obfuscation by browsing the tree view of your application and checking the items you want to exclude. In addition, you may visually create your own custom rules for selecting multiple items for exclusion.
To help you fine-tune your exclusion rules, you can preview their effects at any time. The application tree view will shade all items selected for exclusion. You can preview the cumulative effects of all rules, or preview a specific rule that you select.
See the section on the Rules Editor for detailed information about working with Inclusion and Exclusion Rules.