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Available Exclusively to Visual Studio 2015 Users

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Live technical support from PreEmptive’s (world class) product support team plus an application protection white paper

The fine print… Visual Studio 2015 users who register Dotfuscator CE (it’s inside Visual Studio 2015 already) will receive immediate access to the recent white paper, Application Protection. Why bother? AND receive a credit to open one (1) support ticket with PreEmptive’s product support team any time in (you guessed it) 2015. 

So, you think you just might want to protect your applications against reverse engineering and tampering sometime in the not too distance future? Perhaps inject feature monitoring? Register your copy of Dotfuscator CE NOW to:

a) “bank” a credit to open a support ticket at no cost to you and

b) to download a white paper that just might give you the insight you need to answer that question about whether or not your app needs protection (and no – the answer is not always yes).

What’s the catch? Other than the requirement that you register with your company’s domain email – and that the support credit be used before the end of 2015 – there are no catches.

How do you register? Open up Visual Studio 2015 (any version other than Express) and open Dotfuscator from the tools menu. Once you’re in Dotfuscator CE, simply click on the “Register now” link on the first screen (as illustrated below).

PreEmptive Dotfuscator and analytics ce

Fill out the form (be sure to use a valid business email address) and you’ll be sent a link and your 1 support ticket credit will be secured.

Who would use Dotfuscator CE to obfuscate their applications? We don’t know! (Unless you register – but we still don’t know what you’re doing) We do collect some anonymous usage information assuming you first opt-in (that’s distinct from the product registration) – but even then, we collect no PII (your registration on our website does NOT change this). For some early insight into how Dotfuscator CE is being used in VS 2015, check my earlier post Visual Studio 2015 Dotfuscator CE Adoption: the first 500 users.

Are these users doing anything serious with Dotfuscator CE? We can’t be sure, but what I CAN tell you is that among the first 1,000 unique users of Dotfuscator CE 2015, users were obfuscating applications with as many as 44 unique assemblies and 3,145 classes – and these Dotfuscator CE 2015 users’ applications were targeting .NET Assembly Runtime Versions 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and (of course) 4.5.

What are you waiting for? Register Dotfsucator CE 2015– we haven’t really decided when we’ll discontinue this offer of free support (seriously) so don’t wait until its too late.

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