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Dotfuscator 4.8.1000 with XAML Obfuscation Support

This past Monday we released a significant update of Dotfuscator. After introducing BAML support in 4.7.1000, we are proud to announce that starting with version 4.8.1000 you can now also obfuscate embedded XAML resources, allowing significant improvement in protecting Silverlight applications.

Similar to WPF applications prior to 4.7.1000, until 4.8.1000 Silverlight applications required that identifiers in XAML be excluded.  This left a great deal of Silverlight code unobfuscated.  Compare the two Silverlight applications below, one obfuscated prior to 4.8.1000 and one obfuscated today:

In addition to dramatically increasing the protection of Silverlight applications, we also improved the speed at which we obfuscate .NET 4.0 assemblies and other various bug fixes.  As always, check the change log for full details.

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