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Dotfuscator and MSBuild

As of Dotfuscator Professional 4.37 there is a much faster, easier, and more reliable way to integrate Dotfuscator into MSBuild. These instructions are still valid, but you should consider the new approach first.

This is the first in a series of what I hope to be informative postings around the theme of “Dotfuscator Tips, Tricks, and HOWTOs”.  Today’s topic, if you missed the title, is MSBuild integration. Dotfuscator Pro ships with an MSBuild task that is by default installed into the MSBuildExtensionsPath directory (e.g. C:Program FilesMSBuild) under “PreEmptiveDotfuscator4.0”. In this directory, you will also find PreEmptive.Dotfuscator.Targets, the file that contains a common definition for the “Dotfuscate” target.

Dotfuscator’s user’s guide contains a reference for the Dotfuscate task, describing its inputs and outputs, but does not contain any examples. I hope to rectify that here with some working examples that demonstrate how to use the Dotfuscate task to its full potential. I’m assuming that you are familiar with MSBuild and have used Dotfuscator.

Dotfuscator Project Files in Visual Studio

First off, if you want a quick look at an MSBuild script that uses Dotfuscator and you are using Dotfuscator’s Visual Studio integration (VS 2005 and above), you should know that the Dotfuscator project file is persisted in MSBuild format. In fact, you can take any solution that contains a Dotfuscator project and feed it to MSBuild on the command line—MSBuild will build the solution the same as it does inside Visual Studio, including the Dotfuscation step.

Dotfuscator project files have a “.dotfuproj” file extension. If you open one in a text editor, you will see that it defines an MSBuild Project whose default target is “Dotfuscate”. It defines several property and item groups, then imports the PreEmptive.Dotfuscator.Targets file. It turns out that many of the property and item groups are defined primarily for Dotfuscator’s internal use when integrating with Visual Studio and are not strictly required for MSBuild. Let’s take out the extra things and build a minimal MSBuild script for invoking Dotfuscator.

The Bare Minimum

Here is a minimal MSBuild script that invokes Dotfuscator.

<Project  DefaultTargets="Dotfuscate" ToolsVersion="3.5">
<!-- Required: specify path to dotfuscator configuration file -->
<Import Project="$(DotfuscatorDataPath)PreEmptive.Dotfuscator.Targets" />

The first two properties are required to locate the Dotfuscator targets file and MSBuild task DLL. Beyond that, the only other required property is “ConfigPath”, which should be set to the location of your Dotfuscator configuration file. In this example, the Dotfuscator configuration file is located in the same directory as the MSBuild script, and is called dotfconfig.xml.

For maximum flexibility, Dotfuscator’s MSBuild task is designed so that it consumes the same Dotfuscator configuration files that the command line interface consumes. These are the same files that the Visual Studio and standalone user interfaces generate for you when you configure a Dotfuscator project.

If you save this file and run MSBuild on it, MSBuild will use the default target, “Dotfuscate”, which is defined in the imported targets file. Assuming the referenced Dotfuscator configuration file exists, Dotfuscator will run as configured.

Build Integration

Typically, you will want to run Dotfuscator as part of a larger build process. For example, you might not want a separate Dotfuscate target—perhaps you want to run Dotfuscator as part of another build step. You might also want to do something with the Dotfuscated output assemblies, such as copy them to a staging directory.

The next examples demonstrate these build integration scenarios by invoking the Dotfuscate task and using its output properties. First, let’s look at an example that runs the Dotfuscate task through a dependency relationship on a “Custom” build target.

<Project  DefaultTargets="Custom" ToolsVersion="3.5">

<Import Project="$(DotfuscatorDataPath)PreEmptive.Dotfuscator.Targets" />

<!-- Create a 'Custom' target that depends on the Dotfuscate target.  After running, the Dotfuscate task outputs are available -->
<Target Name="Custom" DependsOnTargets="Dotfuscate">

<!-- Access outputs from Dotfuscator task (map file, output assemblies, output debug symbols, etc.-->
<Message Text="Dotfuscator Mapping File: @(DotfuscatorMappingFile)" />
<Message Text="Dotfuscated Output Assemblies: @(DotfuscatedAssemblies)" />
<Message Text="Dotfuscated Debug Symbols: @(DotfuscatedDebugSymbols)" />


Running MSBuild on this script invokes the “Custom” target. Since “Custom” depends on the “Dotfuscate” target, “Dotfuscate” is invoked first. Once that’s done, you can manipulate the Dotfuscate target’s outputs. The MSBuild Task Reference in the Dotfuscator User’s Guide documents the complete list of available outputs. You can also see them directly by opening up the PreEmptive.Dotfuscator.Targets file in a text editor. This example simply displays the paths of the renaming map file, the output assemblies, and the associated PDB files.

Up until now, the examples have invoked Dotfuscator implicitly by referencing the Dotfuscate target defined in PreEmptive.Dotfuscator.Targets. You can also invoke the Dotfuscate task explicitly from your own target. This example demonstrates:

<Project  DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="3.5">

<!-- This targets file defines the Dotfuscate task -->
<Import Project="$(DotfuscatorDataPath)PreEmptive.Dotfuscator.Targets" />

<!-- Explicitly invoke the Dotfuscate target from this target -->
<Target Name="Build">

You can do other stuff here, before invoking Dotfuscate

<Dotfuscate ConfigPath="$(ConfigPath)">
<Output TaskParameter="OutputAssemblies" ItemName="DotfuscatedAssemblies" />

<!-- Copy output assemblies to a staging directory.-->

<MakeDir Directories="$(StagingDir)" />

<Copy SourceFiles="@(DotfuscatedAssemblies)" DestinationFolder="$(StagingDir)" />


Here we are invoking the Dotfuscator task directly in the “Build” target. We’ve essentially copied the definition of the Dotfuscate target out of the PreEmptive.Dotfuscator.Targets file and stripped out the things we aren’t using (for brevity). After Dotfuscator runs, the script creates a staging directory and uses MSBuild’s Copy task to copy the Dotfuscated output assemblies to it.

Setting Dotfuscator Properties from MSBuild Scripts

As you may know, Dotfuscator has its own string macro facility, called properties. These shouldn’t be confused with MSBuild properties. Dotfuscator properties are primarily a means for making Dotfuscator configuration files more general and more portable. Configuration files can reference properties in any element that takes a file name or directory; they can also define properties– but properties become more powerful when the definition is passed in as Dotfuscator is invoked. For example, you can define properties from Dotfuscator’s command line interface using the /p switch. Not surprisingly, you can also define properties from MSBuild scripts. This is what the Dotfuscate Task’s “Properties” property is for.

For example, let’s assume you have a Dotfuscator configuration file that specifies the renaming map file like this:

<!-- "configdir" is a built-in Dotfuscator property that is always the directory of the configuration file -->
<mapoutput overwrite="false">
<file dir="${configdir}${reportdir}" name="map.xml" />

The location of the renaming map file is a subdirectory (whose name will be provided in the reportdir property) of the configuration file’s directory.

Now, in your MSBuild script, define an MSBuild Property (in this case, called MyDotfuscatorProperties). Inside that property, define each Dotfuscator property using its name as an XML element, and its value as content. Content can consist of any text, including MSBuild property references. For example:


This example defines two Dotfuscator properties:

  1. reportdir = Reports
  2. mypropertyname = content of MyMSBuildProperty

Next, when invoking the Dotfuscate task, set its “Properties” property to the value of the MSBuild property you just defined:

<Dotfuscate ConfigPath="$(ConfigPath)" Properties="$(MyDotfuscatorProperties)">
<Output TaskParameter="OutputAssemblies" ItemName="DotfuscatedAssemblies" />

Putting all this together and running MSBuild, Dotfuscator writes the renaming map file to a subdirectory named “Reports”.


Hopefully I have shed some light onto the process of using Dotfuscator with MSBuild. I’d like to expand on this introduction in future posts, so let me know what you’d like to see. I welcome your suggestions, questions, and comments– MSBuild related or not!