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PreEmptive: JSDefender 101

Did you know JavaScript is used by 13.8 million developers worldwide? This means that 53% of developers either use or have used JavaScript at some point throughout their careers. Making this the most popular coding language in web and cloud development. As programming languages are an essential tool, they are a critical security & quality priority that all developers are focused on. And since programming languages are also opportunities for attack, it is essential to implement obfuscation protection as a preventative measure to protect your work from being copied, attacked, or leveraged to cause further damage.

Just like in our previous 101’s for Dofuscator for .NET, this article explains how JSDefender for JavaScript can help secure and protect your work using obfuscation techniques with additional layered security.

What Does JSDefender Do?

Similar to Dotfuscator for .NET, JSDefender is primarily used to protect and harden your applications that are composed of JavaScript. It encrypts your projects through a layered approach. Javascript is commonly used and as the risks of hacking continue to expand, it’s more proficient to implement code security at the early stages of development. In other words, by not using some sort of cybersecurity, it is like leaving your phone on the table and unlocked for the world to see what you’re up to. But, on this scale, it is not just your data that is exposed but the entirety of your user’s data and product IP.

How Does JSDefender Work?

JavaScript apps are typically distributed in source form, meaning your code can easily be visible to anyone accessing a browser. If a project isn’t protected, a hacker can conveniently use a debugger (that is built into their browser) along with other sophisticated tools to analyze your code for vulnerabilities – which highlights the path of hijacking your project. JSDefender uses a layered approach that is applied to the binary code using obfuscation, encryption, tamper detection, domain locks, debugger removal, function recording, and more, basically scrambling the source code, making this very difficult for the average hacker.

When Should You Use JSDefender?

Anyone developing an IoT (Internet of Things), mobile/desktop application, SaaS (software as a service), or any system software program using JavaScript as your development language should use JSDefender. It’s widely known that investing in DevSecOps (development security operations) is of increasing importance for not only companies, but freelancers as well. There is not an industry that has not been affected by a data breach, and any company that uses or has built a website should know the importance of investing in DevSecOps. We did a case study of GlobalMed, who used JSDefender to protect their advanced virtual health platform, and now they have become the world’s number one telemedicine company!

Where Does JSDefender Work?

JSDefender is injected directly into your source code. You can specify your own configuration file or use command-line options to set up protection attributes. It takes minutes to set up and seconds to begin securing your source file. We have developed a demo so that you can see how this works in real-time.

Why should you use PreEmptive JSDefender?

By using JSDefender, you are taking action against any attack on your JavaScript projects by obscuring and managing your vulnerabilities directly in your code within seconds. We know time is of the essence in development, but implementing security at the beginning of the SDLC saves you time and money and protects your reputation in the long run. Waiting until the end to scan for vulnerabilities will only prolong the development cycle. You will run into issues that could have been avoided if security was part of the process early on. JavaScript is here to stay, and as the world of tech advances, so will hackers. So, if you feel that your DevSecOps isn’t up to par or stressed about being hacked, request a free trial and start protecting your intellectual property today!

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For more information on how to get started or need further help, we encourage you to use our resources, found in our navigation bar. We hope this blog has guided you to better understand JSDefender for JavaScript. Be on the lookout for our upcoming 101’s! 

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